Everkeep (Extreme)

Game8.jp went along with Hamkatsu’s guide:

Things to note in Party Finder

  • The three-hit Bitter Whirlwind tankbuster at the end of Projection of Turmoil is taken by a tank invuln. However, there are two instances in the fight, and only WAR can invuln both.


● Projection of Turmoil (line of stacks)
● Drum of Vollok (Pairs)
 H1/D3 MT/D1 ST/D2 H2/D4
● Vollok + Aero III (Spreads)
 MT/D1 ST/D2
 H1/D3 H2/D4


H1/D3 MT/D1 ST/D2 H2/D4
H1/D3 H2/D4


Markers aren’t really needed for this fight- maybe one marker at North just to demarcate where North is (as that’s where the line-of-stacks begins).

Frequently Asked Questions

[Projection of Turmoil] Does debuffing the boss affect the damage from the stacks?

Yes, the damage source is still Zoraal Ja, so debuffs like Addle, Dismantle, Feint, and Reprisal will lower the stack damage.

[Projection of Turmoil] What was the "cheese strat", and what happened to it?

On release, the debuffs that players got during Projection of Turmoil would simply disappear if the timer expired without being triggered.

This might seem okay because the "line-of-stacks" sweeps over the arena, however, because the "death wall" in this instance is just a DoT, players discovered you could just step out into the death wall, avoiding the "line-of-stacks" altogether, and the debuffs would disappear without triggering anything.

This was identified as an issue, and hotfixed about a week after early access.

Now, the stack triggers when the debuff's timer expires, invalidating this method.


[Jumps] I keep getting flung off the platform! What determines the direction of travel?

There are two sets of jumps in the encounter:

  1. The paired jumps (with the white circles).
    • If the circles are centered on you, you just get thrown up and down.
    • If they are not centered on you, then you get thrown from where your partner (whom the circle is centered on), is standing.
  2. The green tornado on the ground.
    • You get thrown from the center of the tornado.

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