Recollection (Extreme)
Game8 has gone along with Nukemaru’s strat, but swapping in Kurapon’s strat for Roseblood: 3rd Bloom.
(English subtitled)
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(Full-size image English, 日本語)
【Towers】 |【Escelon's Fall】
MTD3 STD4 | MT ST ※ T/H start
| H1 H2 inside
H1D1 H2D2 | D3 D4 except for
| D1 D2 E.F. #2
【Adds】TH→West DPS→East
【Roseblood: 3rd Bloom】Kurapon
【Roseblood: 4th Bloom】
■ Rose markers ■ Tethers (ref. True North)
(mid) 1. Gather South
D1MT D2ST 2. TH→West DPS→East
D3H1 D4H2
【Roseblood: 6th Bloom】
MTD3 STD4 ※ Alternate red tiles
H1D1 H2D2 ※ Mitigate + ignore cleaves
【塔踏み 】 |【クライムクロス】
D3MT D4ST | MT ST ※基本THタゲサ内開始
| H1 H2
D1H1 D2H2 | D3 D4
| D1 D2
【雑魚フェーズ】→西TH 東DPS
薔薇床設置 茨頭割り:南集合→西TH 東DPS
中央 ※頭割り時薔薇床踏む
D3H1 D4H2
The markers are just for orientation.
XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
"Name":"Zelenia EX",
(Credit: u/ExiaKuromonji)
Frequently Asked Questions
[Roseblood: 3rd Bloom] Do the rose tiles expand the towers? Do I have be specifically on the tile with the tower pip?
Yes, the rose tiles expand the towers- as long as the rose tile you are standing on is connected to a tower, it will count as you resolving it (this is also why you cannot connect two towers with rose tiles). |
[Roseblood: 4th Bloom] How did the rose team die to Alexandrian Lightning III?
The four rose players connect the red tiles together south. If one of the non-rose players hit this connected region with their AoE, it also hits the four rose players, killing them. |
[Roseblood: 4th Bloom] Why are we taking so much damage at the final stack?
This is an 8-man stack. Although the party is split up from breaking the tethers, you can connect the stack damage together via the red tiles: