Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme)

Game8.jp went along with Hamkatsu’s guide, but with Nukemaru’s markers:


■ Charring Cataclysm:Fire
 "A tempestuous wind..." (donut)
  MT/D1 ST/D2  ※ & Skyruin:Lightning
  H1/D3 H2/D4    (Thunder+Ice)
 "Blinding energies build..." (wings)
  H1/D3/    \H2/D4
 "gathers its strength..." (point-blank)
  H1/D3 MT/D1 ST/D2 H2/D4
■ Mountain Fire  Odd:MT Even:ST
■ Ruin Foretold (Adds phase)
  West:MT H1 D1 D3  East:ST H2 D2 D4
■ Skyruin:Ice (Fire+Ice)
  NW → MT  NE → ST
  Stacks:West→H1 D1 D3 East→H2 D2 D4


■周囲に風(ドーナツ)         | ■口腔に魔力(扇)
&雷フェーズの災禍(雷氷) |      MT/D1/\ST/D2
MT/D1 ST/D2             | H1/D3/    \H2/D4
H1/D3 H2/D4
H1/D3 MT/D1 ST/D2 H2/D4
■マウンテンファイア 奇数:MT 偶数:ST
西:MTH1D1D3 東:STH2D2D4
北西 MT 北東 ST
頭割:西 H1D1D3 東 H2D2D4


  • The 1234 markers are the spots for the Fire pairs during the donut AoE.
  • The 1 and 2 markers are safe for the party during Mountain Fire.
  • The A and B markers are the safe spots for dodging the Ice Stars in Skyruin:Ice.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
  "Name":"Valigarmanda EX",

Frequently Asked Questions

[Hail of Feathers] Why do we destroy the second feather instead of the first?

Destroying the first feather maximises the time the party has before Blighted Bolt resolves. However, the party has plenty of time to destroy the second feather instead.

More importantly, you cannot stay and melee the boss after destroying the first feather, as it is too close to the sixth (and final) feather.

This is not the case for the second feather- players can switch over to the boss without needing to pay attention to when the later feathers will fall.

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