Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle (Savage) has gone with the FFO strat.

The FFO strat is Inumaru’s strat with two adjustments:

  1. The first set of Dæmoniac Bonds use just the west-side island.
  2. The turret order is different.
    • Inumaru: (melee + tank) → (ranged + healer) → (healer + tank) → tank
    • FFO: (healer + tank) → (ranged + tank) → (melee + tank) → tank


■ Wicked Step:  MT→Left ST→Right
■ Entangling Web: H→Left DPS→Right
■ Pandæmonic Pillars ------------------------------------
 ST H1 MT       |D1 MT ST D2
 D1 H2 D2      |
 D3  D4      |D3 H1 H2 D4
■ Silkspit--------------|■ Steel Web -------------------
 MT      ST| TH → Left DPS → Right
   D1   D2   | Fans → Point North
     H1    | Stacks → South in a line
   D3    D4  | Do not cross tethers
     H2    |
■ Dæmoniac Bonds
 1-man spread:-----------------Turrets------------------
  MT D1       | D1 / MT ST / D2
   ST D2        |
  H1 D3       | D3 / H1 H2 / D4
  H2 D4       |
 2-man pairs: MTD1 STD2 H1D3 H2D4
 4-man stacks: MTSTH1H2  D1D2D3D4
 Touchdown:All 8-players west
■ Turrets
 West:H1MT → D3MT → D1MT → MT
 East:H2ST → D4ST → D2ST → ST
 ※ Point 3rd laser towards 4th turret


■尖脚 左MT 右ST
■グランドウェブ 左H 右DPS
ST H1 MT       |D1 MT ST D2
D1 H2 D2       |
D3    D4       |D3 H1 H2 D4
MT       ST   | 左TH 右DPS
  D1   D2     | 扇北向け
    H1       | 頭割り南で横並び
  D3    D4    | 線クロスしない
    H2       |
MT D1        | D1 / MT ST / D2
ST D2        |
H1 D3        | D3 / H1 H2 / D4
H2 D4        |
ダブル MTD1 STD2 H1D3 H2D4
クアドラ MTSTH1H2 D1D2D3D4
西 H1MT → D3MT → D1MT → MT
東 H2ST → D4ST → D2ST → ST


  • A, B, and 4 are markers to stand on for Silksplit.
  • The 1, 2, 3 markers are to stand on when building the web for Pandæmoniac Web.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions


(Credit: u/ExiaKuromonji)


  • If you do not have a PLD, you can invuln four Soul Grasps like so:
Soul Grasp #1 0:24 Superbolide > Living Dead
Soul Grasp #2 2:49 Living Dead > Holmgang
Soul Grasp #3 4:18 2x tank share
Soul Grasp #4 6:24 Superbolide > Living Dead
Soul Grasp #5 8:10 Living Dead > Holmgang

Frequently Asked Questions

[Damage Down] How strong is the damage down debuff in this fight?

The Damage Down debuff in this phase lowers a player's damage by 31%.

[Soul Grasp] Can you tank swap to change which tank gets the stack damage midway?

No- the initially targeted tank will get all the stacks (unless they die), even if hate transfers in between.

[Harrowing Hell] Is damage based on proximity?

No- the two front players will take the most damage (the tanks), but other than that, it doesn't matter where the other six players stand.

Standing towards the back of the arena does not lower the damage you take.

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XIV JP Raids - English translations for raiding in JP Data Centers