The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme) has gone ahead with Hamkatsu’s strat:


■ Spread  | ■ Flare(tower stacks)
 MT ST   |  NW:MT ST D1 D2
D1   D2 |  SE:H1 H2 D3 D4
D3   D4 | ■ Meteor Impact
 H1 H2  | W ← H1D3/MTD1/STD2/H2D4 → E
■ Visceral Whirl + Tethers
■ Branding/Sparking Flare
 【Towers】W:MTH1D1D3 E:STH2D2D4
  MT/D1 ST/D2   Branding → Pairs
       ◆       Sparking → Spread
  H1/D3 H2/D4  ※ Bait AoEs clockwise
■ Dark Matter
 NW:MT NE:ST Stack:Mid Thunder:Out


■基本散開  | ■フレア(頭割り塔)
 MT ST   | 北西:MT ST D1 D2
D1   D2 | 南東:H1 H2 D3 D4
D3   D4 | ■メテオインパクト
 H1 H2  | 西←H1D3/MTD1/STD2/H2D4→東
DPS:北 TH:南
西塔:MT H1 D1 D3
東塔:ST H2 D2 D4
H1/D3 H2/D4 ※追尾は時計回り
北西:MT 北東:ST 頭割:中央 雷:外周


All markers (except for a center marker) mark safe spots during Visceral Whirl.

In addition, the AB markers are for the party to stack at during Black Hole, while the 12 markers are for the marked player dropping the Black Hole.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
  "Name":"Zeromus EX",


The Meteors spawn in one of three possible arrangements.

Here’s how you can drop both sets of meteors/tethers, depending on which side goes first.

(Credit: radrauser)

Frequently Asked Questions

[Meteors] Can you jump off the edge to remove a tether?

Alas, no- once the tethers come out, they persist through death.

You'll respawn at the start point, where the southern meteor is, still tethered, and wipe the raid.

[Meteors] Can a tank invuln the tethers and not stretch their tether instead?

Alas, no- the damage from the tethers ignores invulnerability.

With some help from the party, an unstretched tether can be super-mitigated- it will hit a tank for about 300% of their max HP (remember there are Max HP down debuffs at the time!).

Unlike other proximity-based damage checks, the tethers do not have a linear falloff, and are instead a binary pass/fail check.

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XIV JP Raids - English translations for raiding in JP Data Centers