Mount Ordeals (Extreme)

These macros are from which follows Nukemaru’s strat.


【Spread】      【Arch Inferno】
D3 MT D4  MT group(N):MTD1D3H1
H1  ★  H2   ST group(S): STD2D4H2
D1 ST  D2 Pairs=2x melee, 2x ranged Spread=DPS in front
【Adds】MT→West ST→East
【Flamerake】→ → →【Sweeping Immolation (Spread)】
  MT/D3       ↑ ↑ ★ ↑ ↑
H1/D1 ★ H2/D4   MT D1 D2 ST
    ST/D2         H1 D3 D4 H2
※Rotate CW ※↑Gather at D1D3's sector if stack
【Flamespire Claw (Limit Cut)】
Odd numbers(NW) Even numbers(NE)
7/8 start with tethers
Bait cleaves → Take tether


【基本散開】      【烈風火燕流】
D3 MT D4  MT組(北):MTD1D3H1
H1  ★  H2   ST組(南): STD2D4H2
D1 ST  D2 ペア処理=近接組と遠隔組 AOE=DPSが進行方向の先で捨て
MT→西 ST→東
【炎禍の呪い】→ → →【赤滅熱波:散開】
  MT/D3       ↑ ↑ ★ ↑ ↑
H1/D1 ★ H2/D4   MT D1 D2 ST
    ST/D2         H1 D3 D4 H2
※フレア時計回り捨て ※↑ボスの向き基準、頭割りD1D3ライン
奇数(北西) 偶数(北東)
開幕7/8が線持ち 扇範囲を受けたら線持ち交代


With Nukemaru’s strat, players that need to rotate always rotates clockwise. The final spread positions are not the true-north spread positions, but are in whatever orientation the party ends up in at the end of Flamerake.

1. Players stand in pairs at the cardinal positions.

(In this example, tanks/healers have the Flare markers)

2. If the spinner ends up pointing at you, rotate clockwise.

3. The Flare players rotate clockwise into the first set of AoEs.

4. Flare players step in, while the stack players step out and spread according to your current positions (depending on how many times you had to rotate).


  • The markers are the spread positions during Flamerake and Scalding Ring/Signal.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
  "Name":"Rubicante EX",


(Credit: u/ExiaKuromonji)

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