Eden’s Promise: Anamorphosis (Savage)

The two are effectively identical if doing the Hobolala strat for Sundered Sky. The only difference to check is the second Turn of the Heavens.

Things to check on Party Finder

Where all the tethers/prey markers go. Most of the time, Fire goes behind, while Lightning and Holy are resolved in front.

Approximate milestones

  • 45% HP when the boss disappears for Sundered Sky.
  • 24% HP when the boss disappears for Prismatic Deception.


   【Spread】    【Pairs】
  D3 MT D4 ┃    MTD3
   H1 ▲ H2  ┃ H1D1 ▲ H2D4
   D1 ST D2  ┃     STD2
【Bound of Faith】:
Thunder, Light → Boss's Front
Fire → Boss's Back
【Shifting Sky】
Thunder + tanks → North(A)
Fire + everyone else → South(C)
【Elemental Break (Light)】
H1D1D3   ▲  H2D2D4
【Sundered Sky】: Hobo Lala strat
 【Turn of the Heavens + Elemental Break】
  D3 MT
 H1   D4
 D1   H2
  ST D2
【Prismatic Deception】
Arm goes up: Move to mid
Does nothing: Move to mid IF person opposite
    moves to mid


【基本散開】     【ペア】
  D3 MT D4  ┃    MTD3
   H1 ▲   H2 ┃ H1D1 ▲ H2D4
   D1 ST  D2  ┃     STD2
雷対象、 光対象 → ボス正面
炎対象 → ボス背面
H1D1D3   ▲  H2D2D4
 【墜獄絶技】: ほぼララ式
  D3 MT
 H1   D4
 D1   H2
  ST D2
何もしない場合:不動 or 対面の人が動いたら


The markers are used for orientation, and for “Hobo Lala” Sundered Sky.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions

Damage sources

As there are a number of attacks in this fight that do not have a clearly associated mechanic, the following may help groups figure out what went wrong:

  • Ageless Serpent - Knockback damage when the dragon lands (Shifting Sky, Sundered Sky)
  • Burn Mark - AoE damage when the Powder Mark debuff expires
  • Blastburn - Burnt Strike (Fire) : Knockback from the line’s center
  • Blasting Zone - Prismatic Invisibility line AoEs
  • Brightfire - Red/blue circle AoE damage (Turn of the Heavens, Shifting Sky)
  • Bright Pulse - Panel “laser” beams (Right of the Heavens)
  • Bow Shock - Bound of Faith (Lightning) : Conal cleaves originating from the target
  • Burnout - Burnt Strike (Lightning) : Second (wider) line AoE
  • Mortal Burn Mark - Bound of Faith (Holy) : Raid-wide damage when the debuff expires
  • Resonant Winds - Donut AoE (on the light part of the floor) in Shifting Sky
  • Resounding Crack - Dragon 270-degree cleave in Sundered Sky
  • Shining Blade - Burnt Strike (Holy) : Baited Light AoE puddles
  • Sinsight - Elemental Break (Holy) : Tank/healer shared cleaves
  • Sinsmite - Elemental Break (Lightning) : AoE damage on each player
  • Sinsmoke - Elemental Break (Fire) + Bound of Faith (Fire) : Shared AoE damage

Sundered Sky “Hobo Lala” strat (堕獄絶技 ほぼララ式)

This is the de-facto way to resolve Sundered Sky in PF.

  1. Knockback → run anti-clockwise around
  2. Fire out, Light in

2nd Turn of the Heavens

The standard way to resolve the second Turn of the Heavens (the one with alternating blue/red circles) is to fix player positions.


(Credit: u/Syldris)

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