The Cloud Deck (Extreme)


【Spread/Towers】 【Flood Ray】
  MT  OT    1/5  2/6
  D1  D2
  H1  H2
  D3  D4    3/7  4/8
※Return to your assigned side after Flood Ray
【Claw Swipes】
 Group that did not cross first crosses after
【Diamond Shrapnel】
 Bait AoEs in corner with the hand beams,
 then cross to the opposite platform


【基本散開/塔踏み】 【サイコロ】
  MT  ST    1/5  2/6
  D1  D2
  H1  H2
  D3  D4    3/7  4/8


The markers are for Flood Ray positions.

Note that you will not be able to place the east-side markers until you’ve cleared Diamond Weapon EX (and both platforms are on the arena), although you can also copy from someone else.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
  "Name":"Diamond Weapon EX",

Flood Ray

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