Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme)

An up-to-date reference would be Nukemaru’s guide:


■2x stacks     ■ Green + purple spread
    MT         ↑↑↑↑↑↑
 H+ST▲DPS            ▲
■ Adds phase     D1 MT(P)ST D2
 MT→Big ST→Small  H1    H2
 Kill: SBSSBS        D3 D4
■ Towers
 With colour buffs:West→T/H East→DPS
 Without buffs:West→MT   East→ST
■ Tethers:Take green tethers, stack top-left
■ Da'at spread    ■ Earthshakers
 ←D1  D2→     West→Healer
 ←MT ST→      East→DPS
 ←H1 H2→
 ←D3  D4→


■2連頭割り     ■緑と紫マーカー散開
    MT          ↑↑↑↑↑↑
 H+ST▲DPS          ▲
■雑魚フェーズ     D1 MT 紫 ST D2
 MT→大 ST→小   H1    H2
 小大小小大小      D3 D4
■ 塔処理優先
 バフある時:西→T/H 東→DPS
 ノーバフ時:西→MT   東→ST
■ 緑線処理:線取って左上に集合
■ダアト散開     ■ アースセイカー
 ←D1  D2→     西→ヒーラー
 ←MT ST→      東→DPS
 ←H1 H2→
 ←D3  D4→


The B and C markers were used for Earthshakers as they are proximity damage in Sephirot EX.

Earthshakers have been changed in the Unreal version of the fight, and are not proximity damage.

  • A: Party stack at the start of the triple-knockback sequence.
  • B: DPS Earthshaker (not really needed for Unreal)
  • C: Healer Earthshaker (not really needed for Unreal)
  • 1: Green players stack (with tethers).
  • 2: Orange players stack.

XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions
  "Name":"Sephirot EX",

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